In-depth analyses and research on how government policies shape and influence organisations across various sectors.
Understanding Policing Delivery End of Project Report
This report summarises key results from a two-year investigation into equity and fairness in policing within Aotearoa, New Zealand, led by Ihi Research in collaboration with Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa/NZ Police (Police).
Understanding Policing Delivery Phase 2
Understanding Policing Delivery is an independent research programme looking at fair and equitable policing for Māori and for other communities. The research is a two-year programme of work beginning in late 2022.
Understanding Policing Delivery Phase 1
Understanding Policing Delivery is an independent research programme looking at fair and equitablepolicing for Māori and for other communities. The research is a two-year programme of work
beginning in late 2022.
Hāhā-uri, Hāhā-tea: Māori involvement in State Care 1950-1999
The Crown Secretariat contracted Ihi Research to undertake independent research into Māori involvement in the State Care system (1950-1999).
Tai Aranui
Te Rūnanga o Ngā Maata Waka (TRoNMW) in partnership with NZ Police, Department of Corrections and Ministry of Justice have developed the Tai Aranui Prototype, an integrated service model operating as a hybrid of 4 integrated workstreams that are whanau centred, whanau led, whanau ora focussed through the delivery of functional family therapy, intensive mentoring and driver education.