1000 Days Murihiku Trust


Project Background

Ihi Research was contracted to undertake an independent summative evaluation of the Murihiku 1000 Days Trust programme. This was a community driven pilot programme that sought to provide early intervention through a Whānau Ora model of care for whānau/families and pēpi/babies who needed additional support. The critical focus was parental and caregiver bonding, responding and attaching with pēpi during the first three years. The programme aimed to achieve this through early identification of ‘at risk’ whānau and pēpi, and through the development of a comprehensive and cohesive multidisciplinary intervention involving a residential component, follow-up Navigator support and robust collaboration between local community service providers.

"They (the 1000 Days staff) were wonderful, not judgmental, the talking and listening was great. It made me realise that the bond I have with my little girl is so special and important – she was just over a month old when I went to the house, and it gave me a chance to bond with her, I never thought I would be the mother that I am today – it’s had a lasting effect for me and I am so grateful that I had the chance to go."

-A mother who attended 1000 Days Residence

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We’ll work with you to find out what’s working, where investment could be put to best use or how to improve anything not going to plan. We can help you define success and set tangible, measurable goals. And we talk in real language so you can understand and engage with the findings. We engage with the community to conduct community research and consultations for private companies, trusts, government agencies, NGOs and more. But we have a special interest in research that has a purpose - to better society and teach lessons. We aim to help those we work with build capacity to enact positive change.

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